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Vi er danske! (og lidt tyske)


[English Below]

Vidste du at ComplianceNow faktisk er en dansk virksomhed? Vi er startet tilbage i 2008 og har dermed arbejdet med risk og compliance i SAP i 14 år. Denne ekspertise har resulteret i en suite med seks dedikerede værktøjer til risk management og compliance operations.

I kraft af vores stærke rødder i Danmark, samt vores dedikerede fokus på risk management og compliance i SAP, har vi også haft glæden af at levere og implementere vores værktøjer i over 30% af alle danske virksomheder som kører SAP, hvilket er noget vi er utroligt stolte af. ComplianceNow er dog ikke længere kun baseret i lille Danmark; vi er nu også en del af en international konsulent forretning i form af vores tyske moderselskab Nagarro ES. Dette interne samarbejde ser vi som en af de store styrker ved ComplianceNow, da vi altid har en finger på pulsen, og kan spotte udfordringer og behov direkte hos vores kunder. Denne konstante feedback hjælper os med at udvikle vores værktøjer og servicere vores kunder bedst muligt.

En af de tendenser vi har set hos vores kunder, er et styrket behov for at kigge på funktions-adskillelsesprocessen samt proceduren for tildelingen af privilegerede adgange. Det er yderligere ikke kun virksomhederne internt der har sat større fokus på dette behov, men revisions husene anbefaler ligeledes disse implementeringer, da det gør auditering både simplere og billigere at få udført – udover selvfølgelig at reducere virksomhedens risici.

ComplianceNow Suite

Som du kan høre, er ComplianceNow et værktøj der hurtigt kan blive implementeret, har lave omkostninger i højsædet, en god forståelse for de udfordringer virksomheder har, samt kan levere support globalt på dansk, tysk og engelsk. Vi har i skrivende stund over 200 kunder i 12 forskellige lande – men dette udvikler sig selvfølgelig hele tiden.  

ComplianceNow innoverer hele tiden så vi er også klar med en løsning til at understøtte den interne kontrol proces, som ville være et naturligt næste skridt efter understøttelse af funktionsadskillelses processen!

Du kan lære mere om ComplianceNow på, deltage i en af vores mange webinars, og i den nærmeste fremtid vil du også kunne finde os på SAP store.
Book en uforpligtende 1-on-1 demo med en af vores product managers, og kom i gang med implementering af funktionsadskillelse allerede i dag.

We are Danish! (And a bit German)

Did you know that ComplianceNow is actually a Danish company? We started back in 2008, which means we have worked with risk and compliance in SAP for 14 years. This expertise has resulted in a product suite with six dedicated tools for risk management and compliance operations.

Our strong Danish roots combined with our dedicated focus on SAP compliance and risk management have helped us deliver and implement our tools in more than 30% of the Danish companies running SAPan accomplishment we are incredibly proud of. ComplianceNow is, however, no longer just based in small Denmark; we are now also a part of an international consultancy, in form of our German mother company Nagarro ES. We perceive this internal collaboration as one of ComplianceNow’s major strengths, as it allows us to always have a finger on the pulse and can spot challenges and needs directly with our clients. This constant feedback helps us develop our tools and service our customers in the best possible way.

One of the trends we have seen with our clients is an increased need for looking into
Segregation of Duties as well as the
handling of privileged access management. We experience that this need does not only come from the increasing internal focus within companies we work with, but also from accounting firms that tend to recommend these implementations as it makes auditing both simpler and cheaper to perform – along with reducing the risks in the company itself.

Despite seeing this need, companies often have a difficult time initiating this implementation as it is seen as a complicated and costly process. ComplianceNow has solved this problem by always having a focus on low complexity and a low total cost of ownership. This also comes to expression by the fact that we remotely are able to deliver all our tools and install them within 2-4 days. We personally think that is quite simple 

To sum it up, ComplianceNow is a suite of tools that can be implemented fast and at a low cost, has a good understanding of the challenges companies currently face, and are able to deliver support globally in English, Danish, or German. At the time of writing, we have 200 customers in 12 different countries – numbers that are growing continuously of course.   

ComplianceNow innovates all the time, and we are also ready with a solution to support the internal control process, which would be the natural next step following support of the Segregation of Duties process. 

You can learn more about ComplianceNow at our website, attend one of our many webinars and soon you will also be able to find us on the SAP Store.  

You can also book a non-binding 1-on-1 demo with one of our product managers and get started with the implementation of Segregation of Duties today. 

Follow us on LinkedIn and get instant access to our latest articles and posts on SAP and compliance.

Segregation of Duties

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