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Exploring the CN Risk Library: Scope, Content and Continuous Improvement

At ComplianceNow, we developed the CN Risk Library as a key asset within our CN Access Control solution, providing organizations with a comprehensive framework to address common SAP risk areas. Covering critical areas such as SAP Security, HR/Payroll, Finance, Procure to Pay, and more, the risk library enables organizations...

­­­­ComplianceNow Suite Version 5.2.12 is now live

We're excited to introduce the latest updates to the CN Suite, version 5.2.12. This release brings several enhancements and new functionalities across Access Control, Usage Monitor and Internal Control, all designed to improve usability and efficiency in your SAP risk management processes.

ComplianceNow Service Offerings

For more than 15 years, ComplianceNow has been a trusted provider of SAP risk management and compliance tools. Our commitment to excellence and innovation has helped many organizations streamline their compliance operations and mature their SAP risk management. Though ComplianceNow is predominantly a software vendor, we have often assisted...

ComplianceNow Web Summit 2024

We are thrilled to announce the return of the ComplianceNow Web Summit on April 24th and 25th, 2024. Following the tremendous success of last year’s event, which saw over 1,600 registrants, we are once again hosting a two-day summit dedicated to exploring the details of SAP Risk Management and...

­­­­ComplianceNow suite 5.2.11 is now live!

We have made various minor improvements and bug fixes to CN Internal Control, CN Privileged Access Management, and CN Authorization Process Manager. The major focus and areas of improvement in the 5.2.10 version of the ComplianceNow Suite lie in a major platform update and a conversion of the reporting engine...

­­­­ComplianceNow suite 5.2.10 is now live!

We have made various minor improvements and bug fixes to CN Internal Control, CN Privileged Access Management, and CN Authorization Process Manager. The major focus and areas of improvement in the 5.2.10 version of the ComplianceNow Suite lie in a major platform update and a conversion of the reporting engine...

Why is it important to move away from manual SoD handling?

Manual handling of SoD is a phase every organization goes through; however, it is inherently less effective compared to automated solutions. As an organization expands, the lacking impact of a manual approach is compounded by increased complexity from more employees, new activities, and broader operational scope. This manual approach...

Automation of controls – is it always worth it?

One of the most frequent questions that we get when it comes to mitigating controls is concerning automation of controls. Automating controls generally offers advantages, such as ensuring consistency, speeding up processes, and freeing manpower and resources. While this may seem like a quick win, the reality can be...

New e-book by ComplianceNow

Are you looking to mature your SAP risk management processes with an SoD tool? We have made the ultimate decision guide to make you into an educated decision maker both prior to the project and during. ComplianceNow has 15+ years of experience with SAP risk management and compliance operations,...

ComplianceNow’s enhanced presence in Turkey

We are excited to share that ComplianceNow is expanding its presence in Turkey, offering enhanced local support through our recent partnership with Mbis. In the spring of 2023, Nagarro acquired Mbis, uniting ComplianceNow and Mbis under the same umbrella. This strategic move will reshape how we can serve Turkish...

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