ComplianceNow suite 5.2.9 is now live

ComplianceNow - New release 5.2.9


We are happy to announce that ComplianceNow suite 5.2.9 is now live, and you can upgrade by clicking below:

We have been working on release 5.2.9 for the last few months, and we are happy to announce that it is now ready. The new release has an emphasis on general optimization and bug fixes, and further improvements to the Fiori enablement of the whole suite, and enhancements to the central user administration in Access Control.

When it comes to functionality upgrades, we have chosen to focus on Internal Control for this release. Internal Control is our SAP-dedicated mitigating control component, and we decided that this component should be a focus, and that we should mature it by enriching and optimizing functionality. This has been done through several improvements that all in all make the component easier and more efficient to use. Some of the upgrades that we want to highlight here is more informative and comprehensive dashboards, ability to attach guides to controls, and the ability to link risks to specific controls.

ComplianceNow suite 5.2.9

Changes in Internal Control dashboard

The new release introduces many small features that makes Internal Control easier and more efficient to use. By including more of the data that you would normally have to search for, directly in the dashboard, the user can get an instant overview at a more detailed level than before. We have made updates to the findings visualization that allows you to quickly get an overview of not only the number of findings in different periods, but also which of your pre-defined enterprise risk-group(s) your findings stem from. Further, you can more easily follow where your findings are in the process, and which stakeholder has yet to perform an action. The dashboard has also received an enterprise risk overview, that summarizes a complete and simplified overview in a pie-chart, giving your management an instant high-level summary of the organization’s internal controls.

Attaching guides to controls

We have now made it possible to attach guides as pdf directly to the control. This allows you to instruct your control executors, which can be a big benefit for the more complex controls. And all in all, it increases the ease with which controls can be executed, and therefore the likelihood that they are executed correctly.

CN new release 5.2.9

Link between Internal Control and Access Control

Another change we would like to highlight is that we have now made it possible to link a control in CN Internal Control to a risk in CN Access Control. This is part of an ongoing plan to better link the two tools together, as we believe that a proper risk management process includes both a preventive measure, in the form of an SoD-tool, and a mitigating measure in the form of corresponding internal controls. We want to make it easier to use and implement both parts of this process, therefore we have made it a priority to better connect the two tools in our suite. Apart from making the technical connection of risk and control possible in the new release, we are also building more content for the control accelerator library. We are currently working on creating in-tool controls that correspond to individual risks in our CN Access Control library.

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